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About Us
Who We Are
Our story began in 1942; Cookson from Wallsend near Newcastle-upon-Tyne in England starts producing lead salts as stabilizers for flexible PVC. Shortly after, Cookson opens a production plant in Sydney, Australia.
In 1976, when Akdeniz Kimya was incorporated in İzmir, Turkey as a company to manufacture and market PVC stabilizers and other industrial chemicals.
In 1986, the German stabiliser manufacturers Chemetall and the English Cookson Group merged their activities into a single joint venture as Chemson with headquarters in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. The company began operating from sites in Germany, England and Australia. In 2000 Chemson Polymer-Additive AG is founded in Arnoldstein/Austria as a part of a management buy-out.

In 2012, Akdeniz Kimya joined Turkey’s OYAK Group of companies. One-year later, the Chemson Group became part of the OYAK Group as well. With its robust corporate structure, its dedication to transparency, its strong financial infrastructure and growth commitment in chemistry, OYAK supported both companies to develop and produce innovative solutions.
In September 2020, these two strong brands merged into Akdeniz Chemson, one of the leading producers of polymer additives, and the world market leader in the field of PVC stabilizer products. Focused on quality, innovation and sustainability, the company works as a “one-stop-shop” for clients around the world, in order to supply all their needs in formulation.
A World Leader
A world leader in PVC stabilizers, Akdeniz Chemson is a vertically integrated company that manufactures many of its raw materials at its state-of-the art production facilities.
The company has garnered strong trust in domestic and international markets with the quality of its products. The company fosters a purposeful brand image, committed to building trust with a people-oriented approach and a sustainable business model.

With decades of experience, the company constantly keeps updating its production base and infrastructure. Akdeniz Chemson has developed its product range to meet the growing use of PVC in the world, and currently manufactures stabilizers as well as related additives. Akdeniz Chemson is one of the world’s leading companies in this field and meets all customer demands with its integrated production plants and top-quality products.
Akdeniz Chemson leads the sector its investments pursuing a broad vision of continuous development in quality, HR, and sustainability. In the present day, the company continues to operate in Australia, Austria, Brazil, China, Germany, Great Britain, Turkey and the United States; and has the support of a robust global service network at its disposal.

State of the art production processes
Innovation focused R&D
Vertically integrated company
Customer – centric approach
Worldwide sales & technical network
Strong financial structure
Commitment to Sustainability
Fast technical support

As the leader of the PVC additives industry to become a chemicals portfolio company that produces industrial chemicals and is preferred all around the world.


Akdeniz Chemson is a global company that adds value to life with its industrial chemicals and wide distribution network, develops creative solutions with all its stakeholders, makes a difference with its technology, and respects life and the planet.
Quality Policy
We work in order to effectively implement our Quality Management System in compliance with laws and legislation, and with the participation of all our employees, suppliers, customers and other stakeholders.
We aim to manage our risks and opportunities by focusing on stakeholder expectations and constantly improving our products and services in alignment with our strategic goals:
Constant dedication to high quality in our products and processes.
Innovative products.
Customer satisfaction.
Delivery on time.

Environmental and OHS Policy
Our environmental & occupational health and safety policy is aligned with our principles of “environmentally-friendly production” and “zero accidents.”
We aim to control the management of emergencies and potential risks with environmental, energy-efficiency and management-related applications. We aim to ensure employee participation at the design stage of all processes.
We aim to create an environmentally compliant, safe and healthy workplace environment in order to foster a corporate culture of occupational health and safe-ty, environmental protection and energy management.
In order to prevent workplace injuries and health risks, we undertake training sessions in order to specify and control health and safety risks.
In resource management, we aim for waste reduction by implementing recycling initiatives; and work in order to lawfully reduce waste in all our processes.